The rest of the CTIA cell phone convention in Vegas was not very exciting from a technological point of view. I managed to get a coupon for a free SkinIt skin for my Palm Centro, so I can decorate it with a cool flaming skull graphic.
The most exciting and frightening part of the conference followed my breakfast blog post on the first day. I guzzled a cup of coffee at the cafe in the hotel lobby, and got up to work out. I realized I left my headphones in the room, so I ambled over to the newstand lobby to see if they had anything to read while I worked out. I didn't see anything I liked, so I hopped on the elevator to go up to the room for the headphones. Some disheveled guy and a couple of convention goers got onto the elevator. The disheveled guy started rambling about free drinks. Everyone ignored him. Then he said something about watching me look at the books. The conventioneers got off and I was stuck on the elevator with the creep. I got off at my floor and he followed me, asking if I was going to my room and if I was staying alone. I purposely walked quickly down a different hallway wing, where two maids were working, instead of going to my room. The guy followed at a shambling pace, and yelled, "I'm so anxious. God, I'm so anxious. I need to take a shower."
I ran into the stairwell, ran around to the door for my hall and opened it. He was sitting on a bench in the middle of the lobby floor. I ran down to the concierge desk and called security.
The security person gave me a special extension to dial on my cell phone in case I spotted creepy guy again and security went up to my floor to go find him. I hid in the workout room, busy with other guests, and stayed there the rest of the morning. I was too nervous to go back to the room to get my swimsuit for the ladies' only spa hot tub, so I just wore my underwear and a towel. Of course, I made weird squishy sounds when I finally did walk back to my room, and I dripped quite a bit on the plush hotel carpet, but the relaxing hot water was worth it.
I was afraid to spend time in my room for the remainder of the conference, and unlike my hubby, I did not have a press pass to get in, so I spent the rest of my time wandering the malls, Ceaser's Forum Shops and Miracle Mile. The strange thing is I can shop all day without buying anything unless I get near a Goodwill or a dollar store. All the time at the mall, I kept looking at cool shirts with skulls or gutairs and ripped jeans. But I couldn't stop thinking, maybe I could find that at Goodwill or Plato's Closet, my favorite consignment shop. No matter how much I like a pair of jeans, I just can't buy them unless they are less than $15.
The single brush with technology I experienced during the entire CTIA was a stop at the Sony Life store in the Forum Shops to browse for Sony Ericsson Walkman phones. They didn't have any. Not a single phone! There were some pretty cool Walkman MP3 players and a tiny VAIO Lifestyle mini-netbook that caught my eye, but I was disappointed. I still ended up spending an hour there trying out Sony products in their fake living room environment and talking to the sales people about how cool my Walkman phone is. (Yes, I own a Palm and a Walkman phone. I wasn't able to get email service for the Walkman, so I switched to the Palm. It's not bad, but it's not particularly cool compared to a Walkman. The Walkman has a pedometer!)
So that's the CTIA wrap-up. I'm sorry it was a bit late, due to my reluctance to chat about my stalker and the complete lack of new technology I experienced. But better late than never.
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