Sunday, February 14, 2010

A LEGO Arms Dealer

For anyone dying to arm their LEGO figures with a AK-47 or a grenade launcher, your wish can be fulfilled. I read about a company in Wired that molds "LEGO-compatible" plastic weapons which would never pass inspection at the Danish toymaker's family-friendly Billund plant. For only a few bucks, BrickArms will supply you with sniper rifles, machine guns and plenty of rounds of ammo to keep your LEGO guys busy in mock battle for days. This sounds more like something I expected to read about in the Onion than in Wired. Will Chapman, the owner of BrickArms, says in the article, “I bring in more revenue on a slow BrickArms day than I ever did working as a software engineer." For all of you software engineers out there frustrated with the memory leak in Eclipse that forces you to reboot twice a day, here's a way out of the trenches.

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