Saturday morning I awoke to rain pounding the window of the condo. Not a particularly good sign, considering I was supposed to be at the Dakota County Technical College (DCTC) driving track by 7:30 AM to volunteer for the BMW Car Club of America. When I stepped out of my Mercedes at DCTC, a horizontal rain slapped my face and drenched the hood of winter jacket. I ran into the classroom building, leaping over a puddle the size of a small pond. Luckily, hot Caribou coffee awaited us inside, and my facial skin began to thaw as organized badges and forms for the drivers.
While I handed out badges, the sky began to lighten, and the rain tapered off. A red-breasted robin hopped onto the window ledge and preened his wings. The foreboding morning turned into a relatively dry, albeit very cold, day at the track. BMWs intermingled with Volkswagens and little Mazda Miatas in a dance of automotive speed. Despite the long winter, the first track day of the year heralded the first signs of spring. With only one spin-out, and plenty of coffee consumed, we considered the track day a rousing success.
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