Sunday, May 14, 2006

My Summary on Goose Research

I've been doing a little research on geese, to try to learn more about my pals in the wetland behind my house. Right now I'm at the Ugly Mug in Farmington, enjoying a cup of Velvet Hammer coffee and using their awesome free new wireless internet service. This is a great place to do research. It smells better than the library.
I learned that both parents do indeed protect the nest and the goslings when they hatch. So I've probably been observing both the goose and the gander from my deck. When they're walking around on the ground, a group of geese is called a gaggle. I knew that already, but I didn't realize a flying group of geese is referred to as a wedge or a skein. There's always wedges of geese flapping by over the cornfields in Farmington.
The coolest thing I've discovered in my geese research is that these big birds are vegetarians, just like me! I thought they were hanging around on the pond to catch fish. But that's just not true! They love to chow on arable crops, which explains why I always see a gaggle wandering around the cornfield north of my house. So, since Ted Nugent said that he hates vegetarians, I guess he really hates geese. I don't have to take his comment too personally. (Check out my earlier post on the Ted Nugent, the Motor-City madman. He's working on a new musical project with Sebastian Bach, the who is the former singer of Skid Row and long-haired blonde, just like me.)
Geese on Wikipedia

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