Thursday, May 11, 2006

When Your Mechanic is Your Wedding Planner

I spotted an article in the Pioneer Press about a wedding to which I wish I'd been invited. The guests rode to the wedding site atop hay wagons pulled by tractors. The bride and groom included their truck in their bridal party. Then they hosted a pig roast/car show/wedding reception after the ceremony. I wonder if they included their mechanic in the wedding planning. Hilarious!
If only my Ford Festivas were still around. They could be my bridesmaids! What do you guys think about a monster truck rally reception? The Metrodome is handicapped accessible for disabled and elderly guests. Instead of handing out Jordan almonds wrapped in tulle and tied with ribbons for favors, I could hand out pairs of ear plugs wrapped in tulle.(Safety first! If you go deaf, you'll never be able to enjoy another Metallica concert.) We could have nachos and beer instead of a lame buffet with rubber chicken and a cash bar. No one would have to do the chicken dance or wear pantyhose. Awesome!


  1. Sounds good, save some earplugs for me.. I will bring my motorcycle as my date.

  2. That would be a great idea! After the reception, you could stuff some cake into the saddlebags to bring home for later. We're ordering a big, yummy cake from the Farmington bakery, where Cheesy aka Mojo's sister got her wedding cake. I think there will be a few extra slices.
