Thursday, June 1, 2006

The Goslings are Here!

I've been intently watching the goose nest near the pond behind my house with my binoculars. The goslings hatched about a week and a half ago. One morning I glanced out the bedroom window and I saw them bobbing in the water alongside their parents. The goslings don't look anything like the brown goose and the gander. They're bright yellow! Later in the week the whole family walked up the shore, and was wandering around in my backyard. They were so close I could see the goslings fluffy yellow feathers and tiny beaks without needing the binoculars.
Amazingly, ducklings are in the pond too. There is a duck nest on the south shore of the pond, and it is behind a tree, so I didn't even know it was there. One morning a half dozen ducklings appeared, swimming and ducking under the water only a few feet from the goslings.

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