Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Ring Me Up

Santa brought me a new Sony Walkman phone from Hong Kong for Christmas this year. His sleigh must be jet powered and have cabin pressure (either that, or he knows how to order stuff off of the Internet.) This phone has a camera.

I've owned digital cameras in the past, most notably the "Barbie"-brand camera I bought on clearance. The software that came with it is really cool - it is geared towards people who haven't learned how to read yet, so all of the menus display icons. But the phone itself is a little embarrassing to use since it is decorated with pink and yellow flowers. I tried to hide them under a Metallica sticker, but they are just too big. The quality of the pictures leaves something to be desired as well. When I take pictures of my pets, the only way I can tell Perro the Pup and Beaner the Cat apart was that Perro wears sweaters and Beaner doesn't.

So there are two real reasons that I wanted to tell you about my digital camera phone. (I'm not just bragging about it. I know it is rude to brag about your Christmas and Hannukah presents.)
  • The first reason to tell you about my phone is I created a new photo album website at: Although I'll continue to post pictures to my blog, you can check out my photo album to see a compendium of all of my visual adventures.
If you read the specs carefully, you might notice the "Fitness Feature". Yes, the phone really does have a pedometer. Last year's new year's resolution was to walk 10,000 steps a day. Many of my co-workers noticed and commented on my snazzy red pedometer. I kept up with my resolution for 8 months, during which I kept losing pedometers. They fall off my work slacks somehow, and now I've gone through six of them. My new phone straps onto my arm with a heavy-duty band so that it can count my steps and stay with me. This may not be the hippest addition to my accessories wardrobe, but hey, I'm a computer programmer. That college diploma earned me the right to be as unfashionable as I feel like being. That reminds me - tonight I was planning to go shopping at Goodwill to augment my wardrobe using my Christmas money. I promise to post a phone picture of my new/used clothes!


  1. Hi Mary! I found this post about your phone and The Cell Phone Junkie through a google alert I got today. Glad that you are loving your phone as much as Joey loved talking about it!

    Take Care,


    p.s. It was great to see you guys this past weekend! Hope you had a great Christmas

  2. I hope you had a great Christmas too! It was nice to visit. We'll probably come back down to visit again in April or May. See you then! Take care.
