Thursday, May 17, 2007

Busy, Busy Mary

I apologize, dear readers, for the long delay in posts. Last week I started a new job and a new class in Managerial Statistics on the same day. These things have been keeping me busy. Luckily, I've figured out a commuting route that saves me a lot of time, so I can get home a bit earlier in the evenings and dash off a quick blog post before I start my homework.
My new job is fantastic! I miss my old work buddies a lot, but I've already met a bunch of nice folks at my new gig. Of course, I'm still writing my column for the Farmington Independent. You need to check out my upcoming column on Thursday, May 24. I'll just give you two tantalizing words to describe it: ducks and pizza. There you go. A little preview of the exciting premium content in the Farmington Independent.
I hope all of you are doing well. I'd love to hear some ideas for upcoming blog posts. What do you want me to ramble about? Write me at or send me a free text message via the link on right side of the page.

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