Saturday, August 25, 2007

Pillowtop versus Tablet-top

So if you're a regular blog reader, I bet you guess what time it is in Mary's world. You betcha, it's time for Headbanger's Ball. Right now I'm watching a Shadows Fall video, and reflecting on a day possibly misspent. This morning I attended orientation for my new graduate program. I loved meeting my new classmates, but I unfortunately found out I'm supposed to own a very fast laptop to meet the requirements of my classes. Sadly, today I found out my old-fashioned Pillowtop laptop can't cut it in graduate school.
I hoped to spend this afternoon with my pals at the State Fair, chowing on kosher dill pickles and witnessing the miracles at the livestock birth center. Instead I spent several hours trying to pick out a new laptop.
After finishing up my orientation for my grad program, I pulled up in front of the venerable computer retailer General Nanosystems. Sadly, they did not have a computer in stock that matched my persnickety grad requirements and limited price range. I piloted my Toyota over to MicroCenter. I spent around 2 1/2 hours in MicroCenter, questioning their sales staff and oogling their Toshiba Satelites. I'm the proud owner of two elderly Satellites, Pillowtop and Pillowtop Junior. Unfortunately their brand-new siblings are a little pricey for my tastes.
As I waited for a a MicroCenter employee to assist me for the third time, I noticed a Fujitsu laptop rep lingering around the sub-compact computer area. I ended up chatting with this gentleman, just because he appeared to be a bored IT professional like myself. I can spot other IT people at a distance. This guy convinced me to buy a Fujitsu laptop. His references to James Lileks, of the Backfence column fame, intrigued me enough to take a look at the Fujitsu laptops.
I fell in love with the Fujitsu tablet PC, a tiny laptop that has a screen you can write on. After writing, highlighting and editing on its screen, I declared I was ready to purchase it. Although my Fujitsu guide was ready to hook me up with a fresh tablet PC, MicroCenter was not. The tablet laptop was proudly displayed in their showroom, but their salesman said he didn't have any in stock and would never get any EVER again. He offered to give me the gross, scratched up demo model for 10% off. Someone used a ballpoint pen to color on the screen. I declined the offer.
Tonight I ordered a refurbished Fujitsu tablet PC on the Internet. I didn't finish up my order until after seven, and it was just too darn late to go to the State Fair. I apologize to my pals. I just hope this tablet PC shows up soon. Hopefully it will be just as satisfying as a pickle-on-a-stick.

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