Sunday, September 16, 2007

Mary's Metal Detector

I made an incredible discovery this weekend. While rocking out to Headbanger's Ball last night, I decided to use my new "Convertible" laptop to Google the new band, Still Remains. I came across an entry on Wikipedia, with a link to their video on YouTube. I've never used YouTube before. People used to send me links to the videos, but I figured they wouldn't run on my vintage 1997 Pillowtop laptop. Also, all of the videos seemed to be of someone's cat chasing a paper ball or a drunk person mooning the camera.
My regrets to Bob Saget, but I hate America's Funniest Home Videos. They just aren't funny. They irritate me. I hate the goony sound effects, people getting hit in the groin and all of the pet tricks. I have four pets. Every evening is filled with pet tricks for me. Luckily, not every evening is filled with people getting hit in the groin. I try to avoid the groin area when I'm hitting unwelcome visitors, even the Jehovah's Witnesses.
Seriously, though, I never used YouTube because I thought it would be filled with America's Unfunniest Videos. Just a veritable digital sea of goony sound effects and cats chasing paper balls. I was wrong.
Last night I discovered that you can watch music videos on YouTube. Many of my favorite artists are featured. It's like watching Headbanger's Ball, only I get to pick the videos! Amazing. I stayed up really late watching videos on my own personal version of The Ball. Then this morning I leapt out of bed and ran to the keyboard. I assembled a playlist of awesome metal videos. I chose ones which feature music I love, and provoking visual imagery as well. Sometimes people ask me about bands I've mentioned on the blog, questions like, "What do Slipknot's masks look like?" and "Does Rammstein really shoot fireballs on stage?" Now you can find out! I assembled Mary's Metal Detector, a short group of extremely notable videos.
A note of caution, for the easily offended and those with young children hanging around the computer, the videos do not have ratings. They are all ones that have been played on MTV as far as I know, but some of them have cool gory footage of simulated ghosts, corpses, guys in weird costumes and fake headstones. Tipper, if you're reading this, please don't look at my playlist. That goes for you church ladies as well. I don't want anyone to choke on their decaf.

Now let the headbanging commence!


  1. Good stuff! I brought home those nice Altec Lansing speakers from the cabin bunkhouse so it's probably the deepest bass I've heard in a very long time. I'm able to blast it since I have the whole house to myself!

  2. I'm so happy! I'll continue to add to the Mary Metal Detector and post it as a regular blog feature. Thanks for the feedback!
