Thursday, October 4, 2007

Where have you gone, Mrs. Malaprop?

Maybe only an English major can enjoy a good malapropism, but I heard a couple on talk radio FM 107 lately that I feel compelled to share.
A guest host, filling in for the regular afternoon host, announced that she was keeping the "home fries burning." I could almost catch an acrid whiff of the smell of burning fries. Yuck!
Then another announcer complained that things are "going to hell in a handbag." A Coach or a Kate Spade bag? The prices in the Coach store may make you think you've just arrived in handbag hell. I wandered in there once. It was hell. I had to run back out before the clerk saw my stylish Farmington Tigers tote and called security. I recommend visiting that store if interested in spending $398 on a hideous handbag.

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