Thursday, January 8, 2009

Generics: Finally a Fad

After many years of hoping store-brands would become popular, my wish has finally come true. The Wall Street journal recently reported on how consumers are switching to generics in everything from face wash to toilet paper. I've been using generics for years. I've been doing this so long that I don't actually know if the brand name is better. I prefer to leave it that way. If you're happy with a Smart car, why tempt fate by test driving a Mercedes? Sometimes it's better not to know what you're missing.
I wonder if anyone really cares if they have the best brand of TP or cleaning spray. I'd rather save the money for concert tickets. Are you going to tell your grandkids stories about how you always bought the real-name brand Lysol instead of the dollar store disinfectant? No, definitely not. I'll be telling my grandkids about the time I saw the band Rammstein shoot flaming arrows into the audience or my onstage debut at Metal Madness '98, headbanging while perching on Porcelain God's signature toilet. There's nothing more lovely than an evening spent in the comfort of friends and good music.
I saved my pennies during December, drinking water instead of vending machine soda, eating frozen bean burritos instead of Subway for lunch, and of course, buying my holiday goodies 100% generic at ALDI. The payoff is I scored floor tickets to the opening show of Slipknot's 2009 tour in St. Paul, Minnesota. I'll be clinging to the security bars in front of the stage, enjoying a metal extravaganza in good conscience, as I saved up the money for my tickets through my own frugal weirdness. A hard lesson I've learned is the anticipation is half the excitement of any metal show. Once you save up for your tickets, lay out your favorite shirt the night before and pack your hand sanitizer, the glorious moment of arriving in the mosh pit is all the more sweet.
I'm so happy to see people finally feel OK buying generics. I hope everyone has the chance to spend their money on something they really believe in, something bigger and brighter and a whole heck of a lot more important that brand-name cleaning supplies. Maybe for just a little while, generics will be cool, and everyone can follow the fad for saving their hard-earned cash.


  1. One time that I do tend to care about brand is with TP.. it isn't brand actually, but rather I like soft and strong TP, not coarse or weak. It's just nicer to not have to worry about that.

    Otherwise generics are fine.

  2. This is one area where generics make a difference. I prefer the Cottonelle brand with the picture of the puppy. ALDI has addressed this concern. They have a regular cheap TP which is $0.89 for four rolls, and a premium TP, similar to Cottonelle, which is $2.49 for four rolls (the premium rolls are considerably larger in addition to being softer.
    Still, I always put the brand name TP in the guest bathroom, to ensure the comfort of all guests.
