Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Kickoff to the New Metal Year

Friday night held a rare treat for me:

Floor tickets to the kick-off show of Slipknot's 2009 "All Hope is Gone" tour. The opening act was Trivium, who I first learned about years ago when James Hetfield (of Metallica) recommended them in an interview. Their rapid technical skill and pulse-pounding thrashing is engrossing. As Trivium played, throngs of headbangers were already pushing to the front of the stage and writhing in the beginnings of the mosh pit. Two littler guys were next to me, probably sixth or seventh graders. One of them looked over at me with a mix of fear and bravado as the edge of the pit drew close to us. I advised him to keep his elbows out, knees up, and chin tucked.

Slipknot was incredible, almost indescribable. The feeling of damp T-shirts pushed against you on all sides, the aroma of smoke and the soft crush as the crowd surged forward were exhilarating. Slipknot certainly doesn't hide their talent behind their masks. Screaming along to "Wait and Bleed" was a wonderful kick-off to the new year of metal shows. Happy New Year!

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