Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Lyrical Loss

The strange thing about listening to MP3s is I no longer read lyrics. There are no liner notes in the virtual world. If you know the kind of music I favor, there's quite a bit of screaming and growling involved, and sometimes the singer even uses his cookie-monster voice. Unless I read the lyrics, I have no clue what's being said. Sometimes I even make up my own lyrics. For Bullet for My Valentine's "Scream, Aim, Fire" I like to substitute, "Driving to the office/In my tiny hatchback so slow/Spilled my coffee again/Lack of caffeine really does blow/Arrrrrrrghhh! Scream, aim, fire!"
I miss sitting cross-legged on the floor listening to CDs, with a jumble of liner notes, notebooks and journals strewn around me. Yet I'm richer than I could have ever imagined. I used to include $15 per month in my budget for a new CD. Now I can download music from CNET or Amazon, hundreds of songs, years' worth of my CD budget for free. For everything there is a trade-off.

1 comment:

  1. I've looked up lyrics occasionally on the Internet, but there is something tangible about holding the liner notes and cover art in my hands that I miss. Also, I'm usually trying to relax while listening to music, and getting near the computer makes me excitable. But I do agree on-line lyrics sites can be a treasure trove when searching for a particular quote or trying to find the name of an artist based on the chorus of a song.
