Monday, May 24, 2010

R.I.P. Paul Gray

A few of you might know I'm a big Slipknot fan (or maggot, as they refer to their fans.) I always keep my Slipknot T-shirts discreetly tucked under a blouse and a conservative blazer when I'm in a professional environment. But to the core, through and through, I'm a maggot.
I am deeply saddened to hear of the loss of Paul Gray their bassist today. Over the past 10 years their music has been there for me when no one else was. The remember the first time I heard Wait and Bleed in my headphones, ensconced in the blue carpeted walls of my cubicle. Since then Slipknot has been there after every crummy day at work, after every put down from the boss, every meeting gone awry. Slipknot is a group of Midwestern metal heads who do incredible things, like traveling the world and winning Grammies. I grew to believe if they can accomplish that then I should be able to at least apply for a promotion. They've always brought me up to a higher place.
Paul Gray's music was amazingly powerful and his time too short. My deepest condolences go to his family and friends.

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