Friday, July 22, 2005

The Mary Home Companion

Last week I answered a casting call to particpate as an extra in the filming of the Prairie Home Companion at the Fitzgerald Theater. Many of you may not realize that I'm a fan of Garrison Keillor's show, given that I usually blast 93x instead of public radio when I'm cruising in the Echo. True, there is no heavy metal music featured on The PHC, but there are plenty of jokes about the English Major's Association of America. (Garrison and I share the distinction of both being English majors. Don't worry-this doesn't mean I'm grossly unqualified for my IT job. I went back to school so I could become a proper programmer.)
Garrison's molasses voice is so relaxing that when I had insomnia as a kid, I'd pop in a tape of one of his monologues and be asleep in a few minutes. When I was chosen be an extra in the movie, I was walking on air. My only worry was that Garrison might launch into a monologue and I'd nod off during the filming.
So I was beside myself with excitement when I called the night before the session to confirm my reservation. Then the pre-recorded message said that all sessions for the week were cancelled, thank you and we'll keep you on the waiting list. My excitement crashed down around me and I hung my head as I hung up the phone. I tried to shake my disappointment by treating myself to a few fish tacos at El Azteca. Suprisingly, that worked well. There's nothinq that cheers me up like a fishy dinner. (Strangely, there's nothing that cheers up my cats as much as a fishy dinner, as well.) So I will keep my fingers crossed, waiting for a call back, hoping I'll have a chance to be captured on film laughing at a joke about English majors.

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