Monday, July 18, 2005

A Plethora of Sub-Compacts

Perro really enjoyed our trip out to the Black Hills. He liked having a chance to warm himself beside a crackling campfire and clean up roasted veggies that I dropped off the edge of the picnic table. Every day I drove him to the Peterson's ranch for a little relaxation amidst the ranch's resident llamas, geese and ponies.
During the drive each day I spotted large numbers of older sub-compact cars around Rapid City. It's amazing-I saw two different yellow Festivas in one drive! You might be asking yourself how I knew these were two different cars. I noted one sported a stylish purple graphics package that the other lacked. These graphics packages were a part of Ford's failed attempt to make the Festiva exciting to young drivers. Instead it was exciting only to drivers too poor to afford any other car.
My second Festiva, Little Red, was embellished with a teal swoosh, a white grid-like pattern and the words "Sport Special Edition". By the time I owned Little Red, the "r" on his passenger door was long gone, so the side of my car said "Spot Special Edition." Since Little Red was more rust spotty than sporty, this phrase was strangely appropriate.
I enjoyed the high ratio of older sub-compact cars in Rapid City. I saw Dodge Omnis, Aspires, and Festivas tooling down the road, a veritable plethora of cars I've formerly owned. I even got passed by a Yugo! At Taco Bell I parked next to a Metro sporting flames and duel exhaust.
Now I know where I'm going to retire. The Black Hills has it all, gorgeous scenery, free-roaming prairie dogs, and a glut of elderly subcompacts. Perro says he'd like to retire there, too, and live on a ranch all of the time. It never hurts to dream.

A Race Car Yugo! Check out that paint job!

1 comment:

  1. My '87 Mazda 626 LX would torch all those cars!
