Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Fly the High Skies with AirTran

Have you heard the new ad for AirTran Airways where they promise you won't have to sit next to a pirate if you buy a seat on one of their flights? There is a pirate making his "rrrr" sound in the background, a parrot squawking and slightly embarrassing comments about the pirate's booty. If only they could promise that you wouldn't have to sit next to a person who avoids taking regular showers. I'd much rather sit next to a pirate than a guy who dismisses personal hygiene. Sitting next to a pirate might be kind of fun. We could trade tales of sailing the high seas, me in my canoe, he in his schooner. We'd knock back a few of those little bottles of rum the stewardess delivers on the wheeled cart, and then I'd show off my temporary tattoos. Now if AirTran could promise me a seat by a pirate, then I might book a trip with them today. Even though the last time I flew AirTran it took me 18 hours to get from Boston to Minneapolis, a chance to fly the high skies with a pirate would make it worth the aggravation. Ahoy matey!

1 comment:

  1. Unfortunately, Pirates are not known for having great personal hygene. It comes from surviving long dead-calm passages through the doldrums, I suspect, what with all the urine drinking, eating hard-tack, living off norway rat meat and all.

