Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Another Brush with Fame!

Today I was sitting out on Peavey Plaza, enjoying the sunshine and a mediocre bean taco from Chipotle, when Rob Olson of Channel 9 news stopped by to chat with my co-workers and I. He was collecting stories for a news segment on employees whose lunch has been stolen at work. So Bipin, my co-worker, leans over to me and says, "Tell him about HCMC." Sure! When I worked at HCMC, my lunch was frequently stolen, even when I brought in a Kids Cuisine. I just gave up taking my lunch to work and resorted to eating the macaroni and cheese in the cafeteria. Once, a pair of my HCMC co-workers, who shall remain nameless, had an argument about who was taking coffee creamer out of the carton in the fridge without permission. It turned into a raised-voices fight right there in the middle of the blue-carpeted cube farm. The grudge lasted a few weeks, but eventually, someone brought in a new carton of creamer to smooth over the hurt feelings. So I gave Rob the low-down on the lunch theft I've experienced, including the time one of the cleaning people at my first programming job stole my burrito and tangelo out of the fridge. The cleaning person spoke Portuguese, so there wasn't much I could say.
My interview is going to be on sometime in the next month during the Channel 9 News 9 PM broadcast. Fire up the TiVo! In addition to my commentary on lunch theft amongst county employees, Bipin told a great story about a half of a cantaloupe being stolen out of the work fridge. I asked Rob if he could have Jeff Passolt introduce the segment, and he said he'd see what he could do. I told Rob I'm a huge fan of Passolt's, and Rob said he'd let him know that! I thoroughly enjoy Passolt's commentary on the KQ Morning Show.
Another brush with fame! Between getting a post from Noah the KQ webmaster, being interviewed by Rob Olson on Channel 9 and chatting with Lars Ulrich from Metallica, I've pretty much used up my fifteen minutes. I don't have a TiVo, so if you capture my interview, I'll take you out to dinner. A brush with fame doesn't happen that often.

1 comment:

  1. lol....we had a guy where I worked years ago who always stole someone's lunch.....so we had grease...when placed in a tupperware container....looked just like tapioca pudding....needless to say.....he quit stealing lunches after that particular theft......have a great weekend.
