Monday, November 21, 2005

The Lunch Bandit Victim

A couple of months ago Rob Olson of Channel 9 News interviewed me about having my lunch stolen at work. I recounted an incident where the cleaning person stole my burrito and tangelo. This happened about eight years ago now. I was working second shift. My day started with an 8 AM Cobol class, then a networking class, and a paltry lunch in the school cafeteria. After driving a half hour to St. Paul and working 5 hours, I was really hungry for my bean burrito when my second shift lunch break rolled around. It wasn't the first time I discovered my brown paper bag missing from the breakroom fridge. Several 99 cent macaroni-and-cheese frozen dinners had gone missing from the freezer.
Determined not to be a victim of lunch banditry, I began labeling my lunch with masking tape and Sharpie pen. I'd write "Toxic: Do Not Eat" or "poisonous" on the label. One of my co-workers accused me of being immature, but it put a halt to the lunch thefts from the freezer. The same co-worker also called me immature for attending Ozzfest '98, and informed me that by the time I was 28, I wouldn't like rock music anymore. Well, I finally hit 28, and I still like Ozzy. So do a lot of other old people! In the meantime, The Osbournes has become a hit TV show and Ozzy's song "Crazy Train" was featured in a Cadillac Escalade ad. I doubt Cadillac is trying to exclusively market to those 28 and under.
So, the moral of the story is, do what it takes to keep your lunch safe and keep rocking, despite the criticism of others. Sometimes you just have to do things your own way.

Here's a version of the Channel 9 News lunch theft story you can download:
You'll probably need a video player from this site if you don't have a divx player already:
Have fun!

My pal Josh identified a possible Burrito Bandito while watching the Fox 8 News clip:

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