Monday, November 7, 2005

A Makeover Story Success!

You may remember I posted here about the makeover of my console TV. The long awaited moment is here. I finished re-painting and re-conditioning this wonderful piece of electronic furniture. I've never been happier with any TV. This is the first time in a few years I've had a TV with good reception, so I'm re-acquainting myself with network programming. There are so many murder mystery programs on TV right now. My grandma is a big fan of CSI, so right away I had to watch a few episodes. It's pretty cool and gory! In general, I'm not a very big TV watcher, but now I turn on the console while I'm cooking dinner or cleaning. I hate sitcoms, so if I turn it on and there is a wacky family arguing, I change the channel to PBS. There are no sitcoms there.

A Tome on Selecting a Proper VCR for Your Console TV

The Finished Result - A Makeover Story Success!

My nice living room, featuring the latest in console television technology:

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