Monday, January 23, 2006

Heavy Metal Shopping at Marshall Field's

Wow! Anthrax was here at First Avenue yesterday. Sadly, I missed the show. Whippy had a home improvement project on the honey-do list. She needed a new basking shelf in her cage. Luckily, I saw Anthrax last year with Dio at the House of Blues in Chicago. Anthrax really rocked, but they've spent 20 years practicing their rocking skills, so I had high expectations.
There is a pretty funny article in the Pioneer Press about Joey Belladonna (Anthrax's singer) shopping at Marshall Field's with his wife Krista. They went to the shoe department, and Krista couldn't find anything that fit. That's my experience with Marshall Field's as well. This store is two blocks from where I work, but I've found it's more convenient to drive across town to Payless then try to buy shoes at Marshall Field's. They never have your size, plus you have to wait in a big long line at the shoe counter to find that out. All the shoes are hidden in a back room, and you have to wait for a turtle-paced employee to bring out each pair for you, even if you're only looking at a $30 pair of loafers. At Sak's Off 5th, there are $400 Manolos just sitting out there for you to try on.
The article also mentions that Joey Belladonna likes shopping at the grocery store, rolls his own sushi, and his favorite appliance is his Panasonic rice cooker. I've been coveting those digital rice cookers for the past three years now. If I was in Anthrax, maybe I'd have one too. He probably has to eat in a hurry to get to shows on time, and with the digital rice cooker, the rice cooks more quickly and evenly. They're perfect for the healthy rocker on the go. I wonder if Joey Belladonna ever invites the other guys in the band over for sushi. Now, that would be a cool dinner party.

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