Sunday, January 8, 2006

What a picture!

Normally I make a policy of not talking about people I know here, lest I offend anyone, but I had to post this picture of my pal Rocky enjoying a smoke and a glass of red wine. Here he is relaxing after trying to drive to Ann Arbor with his entire family on icy roads New Year's eve weekend. While Rocky was stuck at a Super 8 with a Sopranos marathon on the tube, I was partying like a rock star here in Farmington. I even have evidence! I borrowed a digital camera to take the photo below at my party. As you can see, people are even responsibly imbibing a little Leinie's Light from Farmington Liquors.

December 30, 2005 - Partying Hardy in Farmington
From left to right: Aaron, Zach, Marcotte, Steph and the back of Sarah's head. (Perro had already gone to bed by this time.)

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