Monday, February 6, 2006

Aldi Gets a Plug

I was listening to an episode of Mid-Morning on MPR 91.1, and the subject was grocery retailing around the Twin Cities. They mentioned Cub (longest lines ever), and Byerly's (too yuppy for average Farmington residents.)
Then as almost an after-thought, the program's retail expert mentioned Aldi has the lowest prices of any grocery store. The MPR host asked, "Are there even any of those in the Twin Cities?" I guess she must be a Byerly's shopper. (Or perhaps Whole Foods - for some reason Whole Foods and hemp clothing remind me of MPR hosts.)
At the very end the retail expert mentioned co-ops. I'm a member of the Valley Natural Foods co-op in Burnsville. I bought 4 shares of stock there, and now I get a discount on my soy products every month. It's good for the budget.
Aldi only carries the veggie burgers, so if I want to get the soy "meat"-balls, soy nuggets and soy "steak" strips, I need to head over to the co-op. The co-op and Aldi both let you bring your own bags, which I really like. I bring my Dodge Nature Center Volunteer tote bag. I enjoy having the chance to show off my tote bag collection.

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