Monday, February 20, 2006

A Soothing Quote

"Even in a time of elephantine vanity and greed, one never has to look far to see the campfires of gentle people." - Garrison Keillor

I stumbled across this quote on Wikipedia. It was attributed to one of my fellow U of MN English majors, Garrison Keillor. I guess it's just plain hubris to put myself into the same alumni group as Garrison, being as he is so successful with his writing career, but I just can't help myself. Minnesota English majors have to look up to Mr. Keillor, John Sandford and F. Scott Fitzgerald for inspiration. Well, maybe we shouldn't look up to F. Scott Fitzgerald for inspiration in managing our drinking habits, but we should all look to him for inspiration in writing a great short story.

I find this quote from Garrison so comforting because it reminds me that even when surrounded by the hollow promises of joy in advertising, there are real promises of friendship and neighborliness to be fulfilled in life. This is especially true in Farmington. This is one great place to live. The water quality is so good, and the neighbors so friendly, that I don't even need a Lexus with big bow on it to feel happy. I just feel happy everytime I think of home.

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