Friday, March 24, 2006

A Cranky Bill Gates Attacks a Cranky Laptop

When I saw this article on CNN about Bill Gates mocking a laptop, I thought it was a joke. It sounds too much like an Onion article to be serious. A group at MIT called "One Laptop Per Child" is developing a $100 laptop to used by students in developing nations. The great part is the picture of laptop. It has a crank sticking out of the side, so it can be hand-cranked to recharge the battery. Hilarious! Bill Gates apparently doesn't like the design. He said, ". . . geez, get a decent computer where you can actually read the text and you're not sitting there cranking the thing while you're trying to type." He sounds pretty cranky about the crank. I wonder if only people in developing nations will be allowed to buy these laptops. I'd love to have one. It has about twice the processor speed of the Pillowtop.

Wow! This laptop is even cooler than my Pillowtop!

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