Friday, March 3, 2006

Goodwill Goes High-Tech

I just discovered that my favorite store is on-line. I'm so excited. I can't wait to search the virtual treasure trove of Goodwill items. (You know the saying - one Farmington Resident's trash is another Farmington Resident's treasure.) I've been looking at eBay here and there, but I have a hard time working myself up to actually bidding on things. I can't tell if I'll really win the item, and even if I do, how do I really know that the person will actually send it to me? I'm pretty sure that Goodwill won't cheat and not send me the item. Even if they didn't send it, or it wasn't quite what I wanted, who cares? All the money goes to a good cause, so I can view it as a donation.
I'm not sure if you've had to hear (or read, as it may be) my Goodwill spiel before. I try to reduce, reuse and recycle. I have a big green City of Farmington recycling bin that I fill up with empty garbanzo bean cans and bags of shredded credit card offers. But even recycling this stuff and making it into something new takes energy. I envision donating and shopping at Goodwill as taking recycling a step further. Since the stuff stays in its original form, it avoids the landfill, and it provides use for a longer period of time, my Goodwill shopping strategy saves even more energy than recycling.
That's it for my Goodwill spiel. Now it's time for me to do a little on-line shopping. Who knows what I might find? Maybe a portable printer for the Pillowtop laptop, or a spare antenna for the console TV.

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