Wednesday, March 1, 2006

Laptop Pride and Envy

As much as I love the Pillowtop (my Toshiba Satellite 325cds), I discovered a laptop on eBay that's even cooler. I didn't even know that it existed until today, or I would have been craving one for the past 20 years. That's the evil of eBay. I can suddenly buy anything I want, like a garage sale or Goodwill that stretches off into infinity.

Here's the laptop I'm coveting:

This is a Commodore 64 SX - a special portable C64. Unlike my current C64 (see picture below) the whole computer is contained in a stylish briefcase. I wonder how many admiring glances I'd get when I popped open this baby on the commuter bus and started word processing away.

Here's a promotional photo of my current model, the Commodore 64, circa 1984:

Here's a photo of a Toshiba Satellite 325cds:

Mine pretty much looks like this, but it has a snazzy red glowing mouse instead of a plain white one. Notice the nifty grey case. There is no lame mouse pad in the middle of the wrist rest like on the Dell laptops. I can't type on the Dell without bumping the mousepad and screwing up what I'm typing. All of a sudden the cursor is flying across the screen, and I don't even have fat wrists. All of this is prevented by the superior case design of the Satellite. I love my Pillowtop!


  1. Dude! Very sweet..I think the term used back then was 'luggable'

  2. Oh definately! I once encountered a briefcase laptop. I could hardly lift it. Even the Pillowtop is kind of heavy. I've been doing a lot of push-ups to build up the triceps so it doesn't strain me to drag it on the bus every day. I get so many compliments on this computer that it's worth it!
