Saturday, April 1, 2006

Getting Down in Downtown Duluth

I'm on the road again. This time I took the van up to Hinckley to see the KQRS Morning Show game night at Grand Casino. Last night I was schmoozing with the Morning Show crew and I had a chance to say hello to Mike Gelfand again. The game show was wild. One of the questions was "Name 5 Things that Parents Give to Newlyweds." When it was Terry's turn, she said her parents gave her a crib for a wedding gift.
So tonight I'm getting down in downtown Duluth. I was just over at Angie's Cantina, where the server offered a $375 margarita. I asked her for the cheapest one. $375?!? That's almost 1/2 of a Festiva Unit.
I brought Pillowtop along for this trip so I could take advantage of the free wireless internet access. I've already located two hotspots in downtown Duluth. Tomorrow I'll bring Pillowtop along for lunch so I can search for coffee shops with wireless access.
I'll link to the KQ Game Show night pics as soon as Noah has them up on the KQRS website.

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