Friday, May 26, 2006

Flag Day Fun in Farmington

So I'm barely out of the sling, but I wanted to post so badly.

You're invited to yet another big bash in Farmington!

Here's the details:

What's Happening: Flag Day Fun in Farmington (Yup, flag day is coming up soon! It's time to celebrate with pizza and beer!)

When: Saturday Night, June 17

Where: Mary's Bar and Grill

Email me for more info if you are interested in coming at

Yes, I do have a brand new bar and grill. I found an awesome Weber grill on the curb during Farmington clean-up day, and I've already put it to the test grilling up some crispy soy brats. As for the bar part, I went on a little spending spree at IKEA and got some help from some awesome pals. Now there is a real bar in my basement, with a fridge, microwave and pizza oven. (I already have a dishwasher, but installing that will be phase two.) I have a wine rack now. I'll need a little guidance from the folks at the City of Farmington Wine Cellar to fill it, but I promise it will be filled before the party.

Come and celebrate flag day! You can wear that $5 Old Navy flag T-Shirt from a few years ago and get some use out of it. See you on June 17!

1 comment:

  1. Don't forget about Trader Joe's 3 Buck Chuck to fill out the wine rack...
