Saturday, May 27, 2006

Kicking Back in Bemidji

I'm blogging live from the shore of Lake Bemidji. I haven't been here for a while, and it was time to stop in for a visit with Paul Bunyan and Babe the Blue Ox. Yes, they live in downtown Bemidji. Paul Bunyan rocks. He started that whole alternative grunge flannel shirt trend of the early '90's. I heard that Alice in Chains was taking a vacation from cloudy Seattle, soaking in the rays on the sunny shore of Lake Bemidji. Then they met Paul, and thought he was so cool that they bought a few souvenir flannel shirts. They brought them back to Seattle, wore them during a club show, and the whole flannel shirt trend began.
I'm forcing my camping mates to schelp the firewood and do the grilling, since I just got out of my shoulder sling a couple of days ago. This is the most relaxed camping trip ever. My trusty and tough neighbor is watching my pad, along with Beaner, the attack cat. Believe me, she's feisty. She spent a year living on the streets of the trailer park with nothing but her wits to keep her alive. So everything is safe back home, and I can just relax on one of the most gorgeous lakes in the world. The water is so clear I can see schools of tiny fish from the dock.
I might have a mighty big surprise for you guys once I get back, so stay tuned to the blog. I also got a new digital camera (yes, for free, as usual). So awesome pics are coming soon!

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