Friday, July 21, 2006

Gearing Up for Ozzfest

I'm blogging live from Wisconsin, where I'm preparing for tomorrow's Ozzfest. The festivities start at the crack of dawn for headbangers, 9:30 AM! Tonight I'm going to nibble on my hunk of Wisconsin cheese and turn in early. Perro really wanted to come along, but I thought the mosh pit might be a bit too rough for him. So he's spending the weekend on the farm in Farmington. He's staying at a farm that boards dogs just south of the county fairgrounds. He loves it there, so much that he just walked away with the owner without crying or even looking back at me. I already miss him, but I'm pretty darn excited about seeing Ozzy tomorrow. Check back here on Sunday for a recap of the Ozzfest highlights!

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