Friday, November 17, 2006

A County Employee's Vote Counts

Two weeks ago, in the midst of the election mania, I came across a Star Tribune story featuring a nifty comment by a Hennepin County employee which stresses the importance of voting.

"Andy Leith, 51, of Minnetonka, said he got to there early even though he normally votes later in the evening. “I wanted to get my vote in, in case of a car wreck and I’m killed later,” said Leith, a geologist who works for Hennepin County. “I’d like my vote to count, and I wanted to make sure I got it in.”"

Since I'm a former Hennepin County employee, I understand his fear. Whenever you're crossing the street near the government center, even thought the little walking man is lit up, cars turning left are coming straight towards you. The general attitude was that anytime any of us might get rolled over by an errant motorist and end up in the Hennepin County Medical Center emergency department. (Remember, at HCMC there is an Emergency Department, or ED. There is no ER. Speaking strictly from the view of a former HCMC employee, ER is a TV show, not a part of the hospital campus.)
As Andy Leith's comment underscores, do what is really important to do right now, while you still have the chance. That includes exercising your right to vote, giving your pets or kids a hug, or starting the book you've always wanted to write. All we are is dust in the wind.

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