Tuesday, November 21, 2006

A New Buddy for Perro

I just can't keep my paws off of the Animal Ark web site. I know that I should mail in my donation, because every time I look at the site I feel like bringing home a little buddy for Perro the pup. Whenever I see a cute dog on the adoption page, I get that excited feeling in my tummy, just like when I first saw Perro on the adoption page. I couldn't wait to meet him!

Well, they have a new program at Animal Ark so that you can adopt a pet without actually bringing one home. If you already have a couple of pets, but would like to help out one of the cute kitties or pups at Animal Ark, you can sponsor a pet. What a great idea! I sponsored a Jack Russell Terrier named Sammy today. She sent me an email to say thanks!!! She asked me to send people to the Animal Ark site, so I decided to post her email on my blog to honor her request.

A message from Sammy:

Thank you for being a sponsor of mine!

You helping to pay for my care at Animal Ark is helping to renew my faith in people. I am sure you know that since I have ended up in an animal shelter, my experiences with people have not been 100% great. It is good to know that there are nice people like you in the world who are concerned with and willing to help creatures like me.

Another way you can help is by sending people to my web page on the Animal Ark site located at:


Maybe one of the nice people you send to my web page would take me home and make me part of their family!

When I do find a home, I will be sure to let you know.

Thank you again for being so wonderful!



Here is Sammy in the Animal Ark office. When I went to see Perro for the first time, he was hanging out in the office too! Lately he's started knocking on the server room door when Joey's working on the server. He's just an office hound.

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