Saturday, February 10, 2007

Winter Doldrums

The month of January is finally over. If I can just make it through February and March, then all is well. I’m aching for a drive-in movie. I can’t wait the chance to eat soy chips in the van with Perro while watching one of the latest flicks. Perro the pup does not eat soy chips, of course, he has special high-quality rawhide and little dog cookies shaped like mailmen. I don’t know why they produce these dog cookies, (the official name is “People Crackers”), since most dogs never see the mailman. At my house, the postal carrier is female, and she rarely leaves the truck, so I doubt Perro has fantasies about biting her. Yet he gobbles the mailmen cookies with great glee. Once in a while I slip one in my pocket when we’re going out for a walk, only to discover it weeks later, reduced to mailman crumbs. He’s lick the crumbs out of my pocket if I let him, but I reserve that cleaning job for the washing machine.
I’m yearning for spring right now. The backs of my hands feel coarse from dehydrated skin, even though I drank 36 ounces of sparkling water before leaving my desk today. I probably need another 36 ounces as soon as I get home. Right now I’m blogging live from the bus, so water is inaccessible. They have these no eating and no drinking rules on the bus, you know, kind of like no shirt, no shoes, no service.
On occasion I’ve flagrantly violated the no drinking rule by toting aboard a steaming cup of Kwik Trip coffee. (Kwik Trip is based in La Crosse, WI, a great city that needs more jobs to keep its economy viable. Please think about that the next time you are selecting gas stations. I’m not saying Kwik Trip is the best, just that everyone I’ve met from La Crosse rocks, and I wish them all the best.)
Ah, if only spring would rush here a little it sooner. I’d love to have soft hand skin again. Of course, that would take another two to three months off my life, so it’s probably something I shouldn’t actually wish for. Remember, all we are is dust in the wind. Same old song, nothing but the moment, then the moment’s gone.

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