Wednesday, March 7, 2007

A Car with Good Karma

Wow! Finally a dream is realized - Hyundai developed a concept car made out of plastic soda bottles. They scooped up used bottles en masse and molded them into an outrageous silver and black car that only someone with my love for goofy styling could appreciate. Sure, the bug-like Scion xA and boxy xB are nifty, but Hyundai's QarmaQ is about as cool as it gets for lovers of ugly cars like me.
This car has everything I've dreamt of - quirky styling, my favorite colors, a body impervious to rust, and a super light weight. Using pop bottles for the exterior saves 130 pounds, and as we all know, light equals fast. That's why my tiny Del Sol with its little 106 horsepower engine feels faster than my old Camaro with it's jumbo V6 engine that spat out 135 horsepower.
I'm only wondering how you'd perform body work on a car made of pop bottles. If someone backs into you and cracks the bumper, can you just glue it back together with a massive glue gun? (My glue gun promises to glue plastic "seamlessly".) Or would you still need to break out the toxic old Bondo?
I wish I had a video to post to YouTube of myself trying to cram a piece of fabric fiberglass into a hole in the Del Sol's body before the Bondo on it dried. I had to wear plastic gloves and the Bondo was sticking to the fiberglass, sticking to my gloves and sticking to itself, but not to the hole.
I was in a hurry to fix the hole before getting married last summer. I just felt like my wedding day would not be perfect unless I finished all of the body work on my vehicles. Luckily, I avoided gluing my fingers together with the Bondo, so I was able to hold the bouquet without difficulty. (And assemble it, too . . . but that's a story for another day.)

The Engine from a 1985 Camaro -
the first year with multi-port fuel injection!

The spark plugs are on the side of the engine, so you scrape your knuckles on the firewall trying to remove them. What a wonderful design! We all need to hand it those folks over at Chevy, home of the "Like a Rock" slogan. My Camaro certainly was like a rock - sometimes it only rolled when you pushed it downhill. My big red lemon made a great lawn ornament.

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