Monday, March 19, 2007

Does Tax Time Cause Insomnia?

My terrible insomnia strikes again. Tonight was my tax appointment with the best tax provider in the world, Darryl Bunn. He breaks up the normally boring tax business with chat about his beautiful little granddaughter. His chihuahua likes to sit down by my feet and keep me company while I’m working through the W-2 forms. I don’t mind tax time at all – because I know I’ve got a good guy behind my back.
Instead of tax stress I think my insomnia is caused by a bout of oversleeping. I slept last night for about nine hours and the night before that about 10 hours. Whenever I sleep extra, I’m prone to writing extra.

Before the big blog, I scribbled in a big book of lined pages. Off and on, I wrote in it for ten years. I started it the first time I went to college at University of Wisconsin-Superior, in between eigth and ninth grade. One of my classmates had a nicely bound book that she wrote in, and this impressed me. Now I wonder if I should give up these writings to the light of day. Like a long sequestered shroud, will they distintegrate in the scrutiny of daylight? I fear that. Yet if they hold up, my time spent would be so much more meaningful. What do you think?

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