Monday, March 19, 2007

MySpace Defeats Ageism

This blog entry is included out of order. I penned it back on March 9, but I wasn't near a wireless connection so I couldn't post it.

Here I am, once again riding the train and looking for things to blog about. I just submitted my latest column to the editor today, so I’m ready to put in some serious writing on the blog. Amazingly, someone read my blog about the new Hyundai QamraQ, the car made out of pop bottles, and then sent me an instant message. I feel like a star. I’m amazed anyone is reading this. I try to come up with solid content and make this a little bit better than my My Space page. The My Space page consists of a picture of me with R2D2 and a claim that I’m 24 years old. I really did that just as a joke, and now that people I actually know have started viewing the page, I can’t figure out how to get back to the date-of-birth form.
I don’t want my co-workers to think I’m only 24. I’ve worked a long time to shake the reputation of an early graduate. If you are 20 years old, and a computer programmer working with folks old enough to be your parents, work is not fun. I loved going back to school for my second degree because I was in touch with people a bit closer to me in age and no one was giving me the stink-eye for getting a promotion. Ageism is not only a factor in car insurance rates.

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