Friday, March 16, 2007

Keeping the Metal Low

A couple of years ago I bought a surround sound home
theater system to replace my 80's vintage stereo. I used to have my ancient stereo hooked up to the
satellite so I could rock out to Headbangers Ball. Noe I've got a bazillion watts of power coming at me from 5 directions when I'm rocking out to the Ball. When I moved to my new house last year, I was a little nervous that sometimes I overdo it, and I might be keeping my neighbors up late.
Then last summer I came home from a long Saturday spent running errands and one of my neighbors greeted me in the driveway. She said she'd been over twice looking for me, but since the van was gone all day, she figured I'd gone camping at the Country Music WeeFest. Boy, did I breathe a sigh of relief. My neighbors totally don't suspect that I'm a metalhead. They had me pegged as a country fan! Now I know I've been keeping the metal low.

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