Friday, April 6, 2007

Angry County Employee On the Loose!

It's been quite a while since I was a county employee, but I still keep up with county employees in the news. I feel a bond with them in ways that are only attributable to the unique culture that county employees share. There aren't too many places where the dress code states "no jeans" and one of the employees interprets that to mean pajama bottoms should be worn instead.
I was reading a really boring newspaper story about a lady getting into a row with Lifetime Fitness over her membership fees, but I perked up when I saw near the end of the story that she is a social services planner for Hennepin County. Suddenly, her motivations were crystal clear to me. I understand why this person seemed so cranky. Working in social services at Hennepin County could make anyone cranky. It's a department that would challenge Mother Teresa. The clients are challenging to serve and the funding for programs to serve them is sparse. I think Lifetime should just refund her dues. They probably don't know how tenacious an angry county employee can be, but it looks like they're going to find out.

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