Sunday, April 29, 2007

Mystery in Farmington

If you don't live in Farmington, you might be missing out on the big Sportsplex battle. I was unaware of the local intrigue and drama in small towns until I moved to one. Over the past ten years as a Farmington resident I've witnessed so much. And it's been exciting!
Here's the scoop:
The Farmington school district is holding a special vote on May 8 to approve a $24 million dollar sports center with an Olympic size swimming pool and two ice arenas. Farmington already has a community pool, a high school pool and an indoor ice arena, but the school district is hoping to build additional pools and ice rinks to make Farmington a destination attraction. I bet hockey players all over Minnesota will be making reservations at the Rest Well motel out on Highway 3 as soon as the school district breaks ground. Hockey fans are a dedicated bunch, and maybe if Farmington builds it, they will come.
I really love Farmington, but I have trouble getting my friends to visit me here, even when I offer them free beer and pizza. Sometimes I wonder if it's my personality, or if my house has soup whiff, but I usually console myself by thinking it's just too far to drive for a lot of people. If the school district builds the Sportsplex, maybe I can promise my pals free beer, pizza and some ice time.
There are two opposing camps here in Farmington, feuding sorely about the Sportsplex proposal. There are the Opportunity Partners who have kids on the high school swim team or one of the hockey teams. Opposing them is the NoSportsplex group, who wants to hold down taxes.
This weekend some unknown perpetrators tore down the No Sportsplex signs people have posted in their yards around town. Was it rogue hockey parents, carting signs off in their minivans? Was it teen vandals who, lacking ice time and swimming meets, have nothing better to do than steal yard signs? Kare 11 did an investigative report on the theft during tonight's five o'clock news. This is the biggest Farmington mystery of the year!
Stay posted for updates as the mystery unravels . . .

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