Wednesday, May 2, 2007


“The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it.” - Golden Lessons from Steve Jobs

Many of you may already know I decided to back out of my favorite parking spot on the road to success. I'm starting a new job as a systems analyst on Monday. As proud as I am to work for Oracle, I've been missing the opportunity to work with customers. I used to actually see people using the stuff I created at work. I've slowly discovered that was the kernel of my love for my work. So although it is terribly difficult for me to say goodbye to my many talented friends at Oracle, I know that it's time to chase down what I love about work.
I've lived the dream of working at the second biggest software company in the world. I remember so many years ago waiting endlessly for my 28.8 modem to connect, and staring at the Oracle 7 book perched on shelf above the monitor for my 386. Back then if I'd announced that I was planning to work for Oracle, I would have been laughed out of the school computer lab. I know this personally. I made the mistake of announcing I was going to own a Del Sol someday, and I really got laughed at for that. I just think the other college kids couldn't picture me anywhere but behind the wheel of my trusty Dodge Omni. It took me a few years to buy my first Del Sol and live that one down.
So here I am, Oracle employee and Del Sol owner, living my own dream. I'm ready to put the future in front of me. I will miss all of you at Oracle. There aren't too many teams where every single member is a darn good and decent person. That is the highest compliment I can give. As my favorite public radio host, Garrison Keillor says, be well, do good work and keep in touch.


  1. It's certainly Oracle's loss...good luck at your new endeavor!

  2. Thanks Mary. Just remember, we lost a key member that made our team a success. It's only been a day and I miss you a ton already... See? No HR moment for a change.



  3. Congrats!! You will have to tell me all about your new job when I get up to the frozen northland in a couple weeks.

  4. As my 79 year old dad that still skis from helicopters in the Rockies says "Don't wait for things to come to you, go after them."

    I will never forget your offer to give me some Fast Orange one day when you saw I had paint on my hands in the RPM lab. It was such a spontaneously nice, genuine and at the same time nerdy (in a good way) gesture, you forever won me over.

    Nice to see you've decided to take the red pill. Don't forget us all!

  5. I'm blushing at all the nice comments. The new job is going great! I already completed the HR harassment training video, so I'm ready to patrol for HR moments. I do miss all of my friends at Retek/Oracle, but we have clean restrooms at my new place and a milk machine. Only 60 cents a carton! If only you were all around to share these perks.
