Saturday, July 21, 2007

What are You Collecting?

As I was lifting weights at the gym today, the TV near me was tuned to the Style channel. They were running a show about cleaning houses. How tedious can television get? The only thing worse than cleaning the house is watching people do it on TV. The host was trying to throw out stuff piled in a cluttered condo.
The condo owner, Katy, was reluctant to part with her treasures. I was only half-listening when the host told her she must put her collection of hundreds of skulls in the yard sale box. What? Skulls? I let the bicep machine weight clank down and turned around. Yes, Katy was the proud owner of a few hundred fake skulls and skull-related memorabilia, such as boxes, knickknacks and candle holders. The host reluctantly agreed to let Katy save 20 of her most precious skull-themed household items. Number 20 was a grinning, bony computer mouse shaped like a skull.
Katy - I feel for you. If I had a skull mouse, I'd never let it go. What was the Style lady thinking? Just because she doesn't include skulls in her version of style, it doesn't mean that other people can't. If I had a collection of hundreds of skulls, I wouldn't let it go. I'd bury it in the backyard and unearth it after the Style host was back in the studio for the night. Then again, maybe it's not such a great idea to let the neighbors see me digging up skulls in my backyard after dark. Yikes! That could easily turn into an episode of CSI.
I feel Katy was vindicated when later in the episode a gal wearing a shirt covered with a big skull and a pile of bones showed up at the yard sale. The yard sale shopper bought the entire collection of skulls. I'm sure the collection is in good hands now. Not only did the yard sale shopper show an impeccable sense of style with her wardrobe choices, but her boyfriend was wearing a Dia de los Muertos shirt featuring a dancing skeleton. Cool!
Anyway, just to let those folks over at the Style channel know, skulls are a huge trend right now. Tony doggy clothing designer Little Lily, which features Paris Hilton's line of dog fashion accessories, carries a tiny black tee emblazoned with white skulls, a dog bed with embroidered skulls and even black dog boots with tiny skulls. Newsweek reports that designers like Ralph Lauren are embracing skull motifs this year. Dior's Spring 2006 line featured gothy bones. I wish I came across Katy's skull collection at the yard sale. That would be a killer find!

See Katy's episode of Clean House - Episode 513 - on Style.

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