Thursday, August 16, 2007

Mary the Sicko

The past few days I've been under the weather. What started as what I believed was a simple allergy attack mushroomed into a persistent cold. I feel sorry for the co-workers I exposed to this virus as I labored at my workstation, delusionally believing I was the victim of seasonal allergies. I cringe when I think about the board markers I touched in the conference room. I just hope I haven't spread a plague around the office.
In the meantime, I've been remiss in my blog posts, preferring to retire to bed as soon as I stumble through the front door. The thought of hefting my laptop onto the comforter has been too much to bear, as I sneeze and hack under the covers. Tonight I hope marks a turning point. I finally felt well enough to check my email. Enough healthy Minnesotan-style guilt kicked in to force me into posting in my blog.
I hope all of you are well, and I promise I'll return soon with a rundown on Ozzfest.

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