Saturday, November 24, 2007

Let's Make it Safer

I just spotted a television ad for a new American-built station wagon, with the tag line, "Instead of making it bigger, let's make it safer." Then the ad showed station-wagon owner hanging up the gas pump nozzle and smiling at what she spent compared to the lady with the giant truck next to her. Is this a sign that American consumer tastes are shifting in regards to automobiles? Only time will tell.

I just had to share this in response to Colonel Nikolai's comment on my blog a couple of weeks ago regarding the safety of smaller cars.


  1. Well if it is, the tastes are changing slowly if at all. Gas prices are going to drop this year over last because OPEC has increased production. I predict this increase will be short-lived, and in a few years at most we'll be staring down the barrel of $100 for crude, pun intended.

    If change is the only true evidence of life, then as a society it seems we are approaching death, on more than one level. Let us hope that I am wrong.

  2. "Change is constant, growth is optional."

    - Stolen from a co-worker's bulletin board at Hennepin County Medical Center.

    This quote shows great optimism from a county employee. Even negative change, like increasing oil prices, has the possibility to spur positive growth in the economy for developing new energy sources.
