Saturday, November 24, 2007

You Drink, We Drive

If you're out over the holidays and you have one too many, instead of calling a cab and leaving your car somewhere unattended, call Drink and Drive Intelligently. This is a new service in the Twin Cities that will give you a ride home in your own car. I read about this in the paper a while ago, and just got around to blogging it. When I worked downtown, I often wondered how the hordes of people that were out at the bars Friday night got home. If you've driven down there and parked in a ramp, you can't just call a cab and abandon your car in the ramp.
Drink and Drive Intelligently solves that problem by sending someone out to drive you home in your own car, while a second employee follows in the company car. They drop you and your car off safely at home. You can even make a reservation if you are going out to a party this holiday season. Put their phone number in your wallet 651-338-1425 and pass it around to your friends. It's an easy way to help prevent drinking and driving over the holidays. I wish the impaired driver that hit me a couple of months ago would have used this service instead of trying to drive home.

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