Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Free Rice

I'm usually known as Java Mary, Ruthless Mary or The Build Monkey around the office, but after I am finished programming for the day, I morph into Mary the English Major. My alter ego enjoys listening to public radio, watching Book TV on C-SPAN and of course, reading and writing lots of stuff on paper.
So as an English Major, I am duty-bound to promote, a site featuring a hip little game that improves your vocabulary. Did you know a budgie is a parakeet? Or that a petcock is a valve (and not an inappropriate subject?) I am furthering my mission to use new words regularly.
In the past, I was reprimanded for using large words in an email directed to a superior. But as an English Major I screwed my courage to the sticking place and strove on in expanding my vocabulary. donates its advertising revenue to the United Nations World Hunger program to buy rice for hungry people.
I love rice. I use my rice cooker so often I've burned out the element on two of them. My third one features a Chime-O-Matic bell that dings when my rice is ready. When I hear the bell I salivate like Pavlov's dog. Rice is good. I'm counting carbs and rice has a lot of them. But that doesn't matter. I'm just counting carbs, not restricting them. If you're avoiding carbs, you can give away all the rice you want at without ingesting a single net carb.

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