Sunday, December 9, 2007

Heavy Metal Holidays

This morning I was listening to the House of Hair, a radio program hosted by Dee Snider of Twisted Sister fame. Back in 1985 John Denver, Frank Zappa and Dee Snider addressed the senate to argue against music censorship by Tipper Gore's PMRC group. Parts of Dee's statement are just hilarious, especially when Senator Al Gore asks Dee if the Twisted Sister fan club is a Christian group.
My favorite part is when Senator Gore asks Dee if he thinks its reasonable to expect parents to listen to every song on records they buy for their kids. Dee responds by saying, "Being a parent is not a reasonable thing. It is a very hard thing. I am a parent and I know. . . . There is a lot of labor, a lot of time, and a lot of effort that goes into it." (Check out a transcript of the exchange of the Free Republic.)
But I digress. Fast-forward from 1985 to 2007, and Dee is a guy with grown-up kids almost my age now. And he still rocks! Last year Twisted Sister put out a metal Christmas album. This morning on the House of Hair, it was a very heavy holiday special. After hearing Christmas music from Dokken and L.A. Guns, I decided I'm asking Santa for the Monster Ballads Xmas CD. I love Skid Row's version of Jingle Bells! Have a happy heavy holiday.

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