Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Scraping By

Today I left work a bit early to try and beat the snowstorm home. I walked out to a snow covered car, and realized I forgot to put the big ice scraper back into my trunk this fall. I dug out the tiny dustpan and broom combo that I use to sweep my floor mats. I scraped off the entire car with the tiny broom. Thank goodness I had it in the car. I just barely scraped by with it.

Then the 16-mile drive home inexplicably took two hours. I left early hoping to make it home safely before dark. I pulled into the garage as the last fingers of twilight were reaching across the night sky.

At least I was able to finish up my last couple of hours of work today sitting next the cozy fireplace at home. My work laptop never looked so lovely as it does by firelight. The fire casts a warm glow across the brushed aluminum case.

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