Tuesday, July 22, 2008

What's a Rat Terrier to Do?

I introduced Perro the pup to a new rat terrier at the shelter this week. Perro loved her, and she loved me, but she didn't love Perro. She jealously growled from one corner of the adoption room. I was forced to leave her behind. Although I know Perro would love a female rat terrier, maybe my family will be just a single rat terrier family.
I'm really just missing my cat, Beaner the Bagel Thief. She rocked. I appreciate the suggestion in the blog comments that I adopt a hedgehog. Strangely, this weekend I was checking the availability of Rep-Cal iguana food at my favorite reptile supplier, Twin Cities Reptiles, and I discovered they are a licensed distributor of African Hedgehogs. Along with acquiring the special licensing to distribute various reptiles, they've acquired the licensing to distribute a few other exotic pets. including hedgehogs and sugar gliders. I've met one of each at the homes of friends. Both were very sweet, but I'm trying to limit my family just to commonly domesticated pets.
Whippy the iguana is an exotic exception. I was pet sitting her for a weekend while her owner moved, and the owner decided not to pick her up. Although I registered as a foster pet parent with two shelters, when a new family was approved to take her, I elected to keep her. She's bizarre and scaly, but after a month, I was too attached to her to let her go. She waves at me when I walk past her vivarium, begging to be let out for play time or a bath. Despite her tiny cerebral cortex and her inability to vocalize or emote, she's managed to convey a neediness for companionship. In so many ways, Whippy exceeded what I ever expected her to be able to accomplish as a pet. She's more than just a lizard, she's a pal.


  1. Sorry too hear that you couldn't adopt the rat terrier. I have 3 ratties (all adopted) and the two females have their moments. I just have to put them in their place and there fine after that. Don't give up, I'm sure Perro would love a playmate. My 3 play like crazy.

  2. Scott - Thanks for your encouraging words! You must be busy with three rat terriers at the house. They need so much playing and snuggling. :)

  3. Too bad I can't actually put the image in your comments.. but this made me think of your post:
